Online Meal Benefit Application: Families can apply online at A limited number of paper applications are available in English and Spanish at Central Registration
Online Meal Accounts & Payments: Families can add funds to student meal accounts and set up low balance reminders at
One-time Opt In: Hybrid Learning Meal Pack Ordering Form (2x3 Day and 4x1 Day students ONLY): Due Date: August 21st at noon.
Families should use these Google Forms (in English or Spanish) if they have chosen one of these two Learning Options. It is a one-time opt in ordering opportunity to have a meal pack sent home with students weekly. They fill it out for EACH child enrolled in one of these options. They DO NOT have to order weekly to receive these meal packs. The form will be shut off on Friday, Aug 21st at noon. After that families can call the school cafeteria to opt in or cancel.
Weekly Ordering: 5 Day Meal Pack Ordering Site (Home Campus Virtual AND FVA students ONLY): Due Date August, 21st at noon.
Families will order WEEKLY by Friday at noon to pick up meals on the following Tuesday in the FHS Cafeteria at one of two pick up times, 11am-1pm or 4pm-6pm. They will order at (same site used for online payments). The first two weeks of school are open for ordering.