Parents: If you want to report an absence or check your student out, please call 479-444-3083 and follow the prompts. You may also email Ms. Heather our Admin at If you have moved since the school year started, please update your address/phone number with us.
From the Nurse
For your child to comply with state law, parents must turn in proof of all the required immunizations.
If your child will be 16 by September 1st, please make sure they have a Meningococcal immunization after the age of 16 to be in compliance with Arkansas state law. You must turn in proof of this immunization by October 1st. If they do not have all the required immunizations by this date, they may be removed from school until proof is given to your school nurse.
If you are sending in an exemption letter with your student, please remind your student to bring it to the nurse's office. If you have any questions, please contact the nurses at 445
If your child has a medical condition of Seizure disorder, Diabetes, Anaphylactic Food Allergy, or Asthma an updated annual action plan is required. This must be signed by a doctor. Please submit all 2021-2022 action plans to the nurses by September 1, 2021. You may have your student bring it to the nurse or email it to Thank you.
Summer is a great time for preparing for the next school year. If your child is, or will be turning, 16 by September 1st, they will need a Meningococcal immunization after they turn 16. For your child to comply with state law, you must turn in proof of this immunization by October 1st. If your child does not have all the required immunizations by this date, they may be removed from school until proof is given to your school nurse.
If your child has an immunization exemption, the Arkansas Department of Health requires you to reapply for exemption each year. Once you receive the exemption letter from the state you must supply a copy to the nurse’s office. You may have your student bring it to the nurse or email it to Please call with any questions, at 445-1222.
General Information
What's for breakfast and lunch?
The cut-off for FREE-REDUCED for prior year students to continue receiving benefits is September 27th. However, families can fill it out at any time during the year.
Please share with your advisee families, and I have extra flyers and paper forms on table by the main office. or share the link below:
Free-Reduced Lunch Application due 9-27-22
Fayetteville Public Schools offers tasty and nutritious breakfast and lunch options. All information concerning these meals can be found on the FPS Child Nutrition Page. Students are also welcome to bring their lunch from home. All meals will be eaten in our cafeteria.
There is a print option but the digital format is easier to read so I suggest teachers and families bookmark and view the menus on their smart devices. MealViewer Menus Promo
Families could benefit from completing and turning in the meal application form in the following ways:
P-EBT Benefits
- Discounted Internet Access
- Discounted Fees for ACT & SAT Tests
- Reduced College Fees
- Maintaining District Funding for Student Programs and Services
Lunch Applications
All students eat free Breakfast, but lunch is only free to those who qualify.
Students may apply for free and reduced lunch online at MySchoolApps
Contact the Child Nutrition Office or your school for details of these other school benefits.
- Student Breakfast price this year is $2.15 and Student Lunches are $3.35. Families can apply for Free and Reduced Meal Benefits HERE
ALLPS High School is a closed campus and students are not allowed to leave during the day unless approved ahead of time. This means that students are not allowed to leave campus during the lunch hour. Additionally, food from outside vendors may not be brought onto campus unless previously approved by the ALLPS administration.
**Parents, please remember to send some form of water bottle with your child. Our water fountains have been turned off due to the virus, but the bottle fill still works. They can refill their bottle, it doesn't have to be an expensive water bottle. thank you for all you do.**
Don't forget to join the FHS PTSO (Parent Teacher Student Organization). For PTSO to be effective, we need the support and involvement of the parents and guardians of our students as well as support from the teachers and staff. The best way to show your support is to become a member! Your membership provides funding for programs that would not otherwise be available. Ways to join: Fill out the attached FHS PTSO Membership Form 2021-2022 and return to the purple office with a check made payable to FHS PTSO. Or you may also join PTSO or Donate at
Bus Transportation
Students riding buses to and from ALLPS will be dropped off and picked up in the bus loading zone, located in the back of the school campus. For any questions concerning bus transportation, please contact the Transportation Office or call 479.444.3095.
Class of 2024
Important Information for Juniors
Did you know that FPS students have an option to graduate with both a high school diploma and an associate's degree? Through our Early College Experience (ECE), eligible students can design their program around a combination of Advanced Placement and Concurrent Credit Courses. Speak to your counselor for more information.
For those who have never heard of the FHS Glass Slipper Prom Project... it is a non-profit school-district-based entity dedicated to promoting confidence in young women and providing a unique opportunity where one might not otherwise exist. Through the help of monetary and in-kind donations, as well as countless volunteer hours, the Project distributes formal wear, shoes, accessories, and prom tickets to financially challenged young men and women, so that they may attend this milestone event with assurance. The project could use some updating of accessory inventory, especially SHOES, so please consider donating any formal shoes, jewelry, wraps, or purses to the Glass Slipper Project. You can drop your items off at the Outback office on the ALLPS Campus
Student reminder - Students who have turned 18 ARE NOT allowed to call in their absences if they still live at home. These absences will not be excused without a call from a parent.
Grade 9-12 Scholarship Opportunity: Since 1947, the Voice of Democracy has been the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) premier scholarship program. Each year, nearly 57,000 high school students compete for more than $2 million in scholarships and incentives. Students compete by writing and recording an audio essay on an annual patriotic theme. This year's theme is, America: Where do we go from here? See scholarship information in Naviance under the Colleges tab.
Grades and Attendance - Home Access Center(HAC)
Parents are able to access up-to-date information concerning grades and attendance. This information is accessed through the Grade Viewer(HAC). Be sure to change the District Name box to Fayetteville Public Schools. If you need assistance with your username and password, be sure to click the "Forgot my Username or Password" option.
- All ticket sales will be online for all FPS athletic events. No cash will be accepted at the gate. All tickets and passes must be purchased online at Athletics is having a flash sale for Student Super Passes. This is for all students K-12. The passes will be $5 and will increase to $35 on September 5th.
The wrestling team is looking to fill a few more spots for the upcoming season. Particularly Jr. and Sr. Boys. However, if you are in 9th/10th grade, or you are a female, we'd love to have you too! Reach out to Coach Petty before August 19th to see about getting your schedule changed.
Please make sure that your child brings their Chromebook to school fully charged every day. The device will get used daily as part of our blended learning instruction. If your child did not receive a Chromebook, please contact Hannah Fleming our Registrar at 479-444-1230, or and she will coordinate with you to get a device for your child. Additionally, if your child needs help logging into their device or accessing their email, please contact your child’s advisor as soon as possible and they can assist you with this. Chromebook insurance is available for $35 through the Fayetteville Public Schools Virtual Store at
Naviance Access
Check the Naviance college visit calendar daily to see which colleges are visiting FHS. Most of the time, the representatives that visit are the same people who are reading student applications. Making contact is super important to demonstrate an interest in the college. Determine if you will apply for Early Decision (ED). Discuss the ramifications of this decision with your parent and counselor. Remember you can only apply to one ED school. Work on college applications and observe all deadlines. For students attending the U of A - housing contracts open in mid-September. Early completion of this phase of the housing contract process will guarantee that students are at the top of the list for choosing a residence hall room (this is Phase I of 4 phases for housing). Students will need to be prepared to submit a deposit of $200 to hold their place in the housing “line”. Look over your transcript and ensure all of your classes and grades are accurate. Did you take classes at a junior high school that counted for high school credit? Are they on your transcript? Make sure your GPA is accurate by using our GPA calculator. Go to Fayetteville High School>Student Resources>GPA Calculation. Notify the counselor if you have any errors that need to be corrected.
Hey Students-- your teachers have been working hard this year and putting a lot of time into making sure all students are getting the help they need. You should show some appreciation towards them for being there for you and impacting your life. If you had a teacher that impacted you, vote for them on this Google Form. We are going to be doing this once a week!
Naviance has recently updated its scholarship platform and things look different. To view all scholarships, students will need to reset a filter that was created in the rollover. Please follow the attached instructions.
Seniors: Please fill out the google form at the attached link. This is how we will decide on the senior superlatives for the yearbook as well as gather the information that we can use in the senior section. If you have any questions, please see yearbook adviser Stephen Teague ( or a yearbook staff member. Senior Yearbook Survey
All college rep visits will be conducted in a virtual format. To view or sign up for upcoming presentations, log into your Naviance account and look under the "What's New" information on the homepage. Students can also get information under the "Colleges" tab.
All college rep visits will be conducted in a virtual format. To view or sign up for upcoming presentations, log into your Naviance account and look under the "What's New" information on the homepage. Students can also get information under the "Colleges" tab.
September 2022
On your radar (September):
Class of 2023
If you receive a waitlist decision contact your counselor. You can submit additional materials (e.g., updated accomplishments, a personal letter, etc.) to the admission officer. Work with your counselor on these materials. They will be able to contact the university on your behalf as well.
U of A fellowship and honors students begin looking for housing emails to choose dorms and rooms.
Students attending U of A need to check UARK's email daily.
Fwd: 2022 Heisman Scholarship is Open: Encourage students to apply! -
Naviance student provides tools for locating scholarship opportunities and keeping track of those to which you have applied. See the link for instructions on how to locate national, college-specific, and local/regional scholarships. 2022-23 Naviance Scholarships Finding and Tracking
Local/Community and Regional Scholarships are currently being added to Naviance. To find out more information, log into your Naviance account go to the Colleges tab and click on the Scholarship List under Scholarships and Money. Make sure to check this frequently.
Naviance student provides tools for locating scholarship opportunities and keeping track of those to which you have applied. See the link for instructions on how to locate national, college-specific, and local/regional scholarships. 2021 Naviance Scholarships Finding and Tracking
Local/Community and Regional Scholarships are currently being added to Naviance. To find out more information, log into your Naviance account go to the Colleges tab and click on the Scholarship List under Scholarships and Money. Make sure to check this frequently.
All college rep visits will be conducted in a virtual format. To view or sign up for upcoming presentations, log into your Naviance account and look under the "What's New" information on the homepage. Students can also get information under the "Colleges" tab.